Clothing Section
Footwear Department
Outdoor Gear / Sporting Goods
Gifts / Bags / Pillows / Cookware
Since 1983, Farm-Way / Vermont Gear has stood as a grounded establishment, guided by three generations of family and a devoted staff, forming the Farm-Way family. Our dedication is evident in our offering of top-quality brands spanning footwear, clothing, camping and hunting gear, furniture, gifts, and comprehensive pet supplies. We strive to send out all orders placed by 2 pm on the same or following business day at the latest. Our commitment is to ensure your order is promptly processed, and you won't be left uninformed. Upon placing your order, expect an immediate confirmation (please check your spam folder if not visible). In the rare event of any issues, we will promptly notify you by email or phone. Don't see what you're hunting for? Give us a call because our website is only a small portion of the products we offer in Bradford Vermont!
Darn Tough Socks
Use Promo Code Sock20 at checkout for 20% Off Darn Tough Socks!
Smartwool Socks
Use Promo Code Sock20 at checkout for 20% Off Smartwool Socks
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C.C. Filson
Sign up for our Filson mailing list and save 10% off on your first order of regular priced Filson! This is a separate email list from our regular email list.
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